Ku Worldwide

I advises companies on Business Development, Mergers & Acquisitions in Audio, Events, and Publishing

Kuo-Yu Liang 梁國瑜 (he/him)

''Don't be the best.  Be the only.'' - Kevin Kelly

I helps companies make money, save money, and save time.


Select Business Development Clients (full list at the bottom of this page)

Board Member

''I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it has been.'' - Wayne Gretsky

What I do 

Mergers & Acquisitions

Help clients sell whole companies, shares, divisions, or selected assets.


Advise companies on strategy & partnerships..

Business Development

Business development and growth strategies for companies.

''Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end.'' - Robin Sharma

Join me on this wide-ranging interview on the Comic Industry Insiders feed.

For nearly two hours we cover the M&A process, the preparation behind networking, how I use a coach, the work at Binc Foundation to help retailers, and stories spanning 30 years at Random House, Diamond Comics and ReedPOP.

Current and Past Clients

''Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it's the courage to continue that count.'' - Serena Williams

Professional experience

''You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.'' - Mia Hamm

Conventions and speaking engagements

''An investment said to have an 80% chance of success sounds far more attractive than one with a 20% chance of failure.  The mind can't easily recognize that they are the same.'' - Daniel Kahneman


''Be a learn it all, not a know it all.'' - Reid Hoffman

My book recommendations:

''Simplify and go.'' - Nike vision statement

''Kuo-Yu is perhaps the most connected, respected, and strategic thinker I've ever met in the pop culture space. He knows and appreciates how the markets operate at a global level, and can piece it all together with a perspective that is unrivaled. 

Most importantly though he truly, genuinely cares about people that work in this industry and wants folks to succeed, and will move mountains to help others.'' 

– Guy ''Yug'' Blomberg, Founder, Game Industry Gathering

''We were lucky to have Kuo-Yu Liang advising us in the early days of The Story Division.  He exceeded all of our expectations in delivering new business and helping grow our company.  He is a gamechanger.  Work with Ku if you can.'' 

Steve Osgoode, President @ The Story Division | Co-Founder

''I always believe six impossible things before breakfast.'' - Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass